
Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Anzac Day

We in Room 7 are passionate about learning and celebrating the sacrifice made by all the brave men and woman in WW1 and WW2. We watched a wide range of video clips, read books and researched information on our Chromebooks to learn from others just how scary and mind blowing going to war must have been. We truely cannot show enough gratitude to all those involved, not only on the  men and woman on the front lines.  But also all those involved in the medical and aid side of things. What we also discovered was what a  huge toll it took on all the families back here at home and that is something that cannot be underestimated. What we know for certain is that we never want to see a repeat of what has happened before and that war and loosing loved ones is never the answer to any problem the world may face. Below are just a few pictures of the celebration for the Anzacs we had here at school. We would also like to say instead of using your precious time commenting on this post, we would love it if you could go and do a good dead for someone else. Even if its just to say hello and give a complement to someone you might not always talk too. 


For our Kiwi Sport activity this Term we have been learning all about the wonderful game of Badminton.  Our Awesome teacher Daniel has been teaching us all sorts of techniques and terminology around Badminton. We learnt different ways to hold our racket so we can hit a backhand or forehand correctly. Boy oh Boy did we get good at hitting that shuttlecock, although it did take us a while to get use to. It's so much harder than hitting a tennis ball thats for sure.  Here is a video and some photos of us in action. Hope you enjoy and Blog you later.


Monday, April 3, 2017

Rippa Rugby Central Campions

The Mighty Waikowhai 1 and Waikowhai 2 went to the Central Rippa competition run by Auckland Rugby. Their were 26 teams involved and we played at Cox's Bay reserve in Auckland. Unfortunately Waikowhai 2 were eliminated in the quarter finals but we were all so proud of them for the amazing efforts they put in. However our Waikowhai 1 team played amazingly well and won the whole competition for the first time in the school's history. They showcased their outstanding skills and team work throughout the day and were thoroughly deserving of their tile win. The most exciting news is that their amazing run is not yet over and now we get to go to Eden Park and play for Auckland Champions. GOOOOOOOOOOO WAIKOWHAI !!!  Congratulations to Max, Hame, Conroy, Nevaeh, Skye and Shiya from Room 7 who were involved.  Here is a Video of our day and our apologies for the poor picture quality the file was to big.   

Student Of The Week

Congratulations to this term's Student of the Week from Room 7, Hame.  Once a term the poor, poor teacher in Room 7 "Mr Ross" has to make the hardest decision of all. He had to choose which one of his wonderfully amazing students got the coveted award of student of the week. This term the thoroughly deserving Hame won the award. Here is the video of him accepting his certificate.

Room 7's Awesome Writing

Over the past two weeks the mighty Room 7 have been creating some outstanding pieces of writing. We have been looking at creative ways to write stories by using using story starters. For inspiration we watched some videos from famous New Zealanders about how important writing is to their success. You can watch the video's by clicking on this link. After watching these videos we then could not wait to get started and create our own magical masterpieces. Here are just a few examples of the work we produced. Please feel free to leave us a comment of what you think of our work.