We in Room 7 are passionate about learning and celebrating the sacrifice made by all the brave men and woman in WW1 and WW2. We watched a wide range of video clips, read books and researched information on our Chromebooks to learn from others just how scary and mind blowing going to war must have been. We truely cannot show enough gratitude to all those involved, not only on the men and woman on the front lines. But also all those involved in the medical and aid side of things. What we also discovered was what a huge toll it took on all the families back here at home and that is something that cannot be underestimated. What we know for certain is that we never want to see a repeat of what has happened before and that war and loosing loved ones is never the answer to any problem the world may face. Below are just a few pictures of the celebration for the Anzacs we had here at school. We would also like to say instead of using your precious time commenting on this post, we would love it if you could go and do a good dead for someone else. Even if its just to say hello and give a complement to someone you might not always talk too.